Brown Owl Media.
Simple Solutions for Complex Issues

Make us your agency today!
18685 Main St. ste.#101-461.
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Brown Owl Media: a division of adc llc

Yellow Pages, Outdoor & Internet

Brown Owl Media has over 30 years experience in the yellow page publishing space. We have a vast knowledge of rates, call tracking, and resources to negotiate the best rates, and billing terms.

Yellow Pages

  • Targeted advertising geographically when customer is ready to buy.
  • There are multiple publishers, essentially offering the same product. We will interface and place at substantially lower rates than published rates from these publishers.
  • We will track results with special call monitoring phone numbers to prove ROI.

  • Outdoor

  • There are literally thousands of locations to choose from to place a well timed and well placed outdoor sign.

  • Internet

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This rapidly changing space has been plagued with wild myths and unfounded projections.
  • We will interface, assist in selection, provide intelligence, and most important verify results.
  • Web Site design

  • Our Book

    Why Use Brown Owl Media?

    Simply, because We have no interest in promoting the media in which we want to advertise. In other words, more info


    Proven Results with only thriving interest.

    Ready to launch with Brown Owl Media? Our media team consists of veterans of the media industry..
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    You need more clarifications on any of our product? Just email or call us for assistance.
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